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Our teachers are enthusiastic|skilled|kind|students

In Aikido – as in any martial arts – it is essential to find a teacher that suits you the best. In Awase we are following the Aikikai style, that is the traditional Japanese Aikido where a movement, technique and skills form the base. The Awase teachers have all been educated by the Finnish Aikido Federation. They all pursue to understand Aikido as well to share it with other people. The teachers are:

Headteacher, 7th dan Aikikai

Harri Rautila

Harri is our headteacher, known to be demanding yet relaxed in his guidance. He shows innovative thinking, seeks creative solutions and introduces soft techniques. Harri started training Aikido 1972 and has been studying under Christian Tissier and several Japanese teachers. He teaches main adult classes both with and without weapons.
email: harri@awase.fi

Headteacher, 6th dan Aikikai

Markku Kuusinen

Markku is another main teacher. He is known for his clear lines and movements as well as for exact basic techniques. With Markku you will learn the basic techniques in a systematic and controlled way – you may also go through some more demanding advanced techniques at the same time. Markku has been studying Aikido since 1980 under various Japanese and European teachers. Markku is teaching mainly adults with and without weapons.
email: markku@awase.fi

Adults, 5th dan Aikikai

Antti-Juhani Pekkarinen

Antti is known for soft techniques that flow smoothly. They are all based on his strong understanding of the basic techniques. Antti’s playful teaching challenges you to think about the nature of Aikido. Antti has been training since 1998. In Awase, Antti teaches adults.
email: anttijuhani@awase.fi

Adults, 5th dan Aikikai

Ben Kamras

In case you wish to learn Aikido fast in a relaxed yet active atmosphere then you need to attend to Ben’s basic technique lessons. He is known to be clear and detailed in his teaching. You’ll learn the techniques through joy and chatty instruction. Ben has been training since 1994.
email: ben@awase.fi

Juniors, 4th dan Aikikai

Graziella Wik

Goodwill and joy are the trademarks of Graziella. She teaches juniors with never-ending patience guiding them to do Aikido with a soft and relaxed way. Graziella has been training since 1996.
email: graziella@awase.fi

Adults and juniors, 3rd dan Aikikai

Arthur Velemzon

Arttu – his nickname in Finnish – is known for his clear, fast, strong and precise training. Arthur’s classes may be somewhat taxing physically yet at the same time rewarding. Arthur has been training since 2010. He teaches an advanced class for juniors and graduation techniques for the adults.
email: arttu@awase.fi

Juniors, 3rd dan Aikikai

Iiris Nikula

With Iiris, you may enjoy fast, flowing movements with a large range of different techniques. You will learn the basic techniques through kata-like – formal, repetitive – exercises without forgetting playfulness and relaxed atmosphere. Iiris has been training since 1993 and she teaches mainly juniors.
email: iiris@awase.fi
